Seniors for Social Action
A Progressive Force for Change
Seniors for Social Action (Ontario) (SSAO) is an incorporated non-profit social advocacy organization formed in March, 2020 in response to the carnage in long-term care facilities during the pandemic. It is comprised entirely of volunteers from across the province who donate countless hours advancing the objectives of aging in place and creating inclusive, welcoming communities by writing Op Ed pieces for major newspapers, research and policy papers, editorials, letters and briefs to government, holding online educational events, and by engaging with the press and forming partnerships with other like-minded organizations. Many of its co-founders were leaders in advocating for the closure of large facilities for people with developmental disabilities decades ago. This has led to a strong organizational commitment to advocacy for the creation of non-profit in-home and community-based residential alternatives to institutions, and direct funding options to empower individuals and their families. With over 1600 members in Ontario, SSAO has become a strong voice for a new generation of older adults. SSAO receives no funds from any source except occasional donations from members which pays for our website, mail outs, and other administrative costs. This allows SSAO to remain an independent voice for elders in the Province of Ontario not beholden to government or private corporate funding.
Caregivers are exhausted and going bankrupt trying to keep their loved ones at home. They live with worry every day. Elders are terrified of being forced into dangerous long-term care institutions miles from their families, friends, and communities if they become sick or disabled. Lack of other options are leaving families with no choice but to make the gut wrenching decision to place their loved ones in institutions.
It has to stop. It is time for a provincial advocacy campaign to stop it.
Seniors for Social Action Ontario is working with a public affairs firm on a provincial campaign, but we need to raise funds to launch it and we cannot do it without you. We have never asked for donations, but we are asking now so that we can launch this campaign on your behalf.
Please read our letter and support the Red Slipper Campaign – "There’s No Place Like Home" - and ask everyone you know to do the same.
Thank you from the Board of Seniors for Social Action Ontario
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"While others are accepting the things they cannot change, we are out changing the things we cannot accept."

Recently Released
Essays on Aging in Place: A Guide for Developing Good Policy and Practice, Especially for People Who Have an Intellectual or Developmental Disability is a new e book released by Seniors for Social Action Ontario (SSAO) and Community Living Ontario (CLO). Twenty short essays highlight the path forward to reform elder care and not just for those who have a disability, but for everyone who needs assistance as they age.
The Foreword by Catharine Frazee, former Chief Commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, is a searing indictment of our current institutional system of long term care. The Afterword invites the readers’ engagement and action in the effort to reform a very broken elder care system in a more person directed manner as many of the publication’s contributors describe.
Douglas Cartan
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"
Margaret Mead

"Courage my friends, 'tis not too late to
build a better world"
Tommy Douglas